Pooh’s Think

… with comments

A Note From the Editor

Dear Friends,

We are hitting a nerve again, and this means more backlash. More broad brush insults are coming, such as the claim that our site is just some bitter, attack web site, “dedicated to accusing prominent Christian leaders.” Oh, well.

The amazing fact, however, is that the opposite is really the truth. Pooh’s Think was grounded in defending particular people, such as McLaren, Morin (a local), and myself (very local!). And once we were off the ground I then found myself implicitly defending many X-kirkers who I started learning about once I was coming out of the Kirk. There was also the violent emotions I felt about how my Church had been treating local non-Christians, which was revealed to me just months before starting Pooh’s Think, and has been further revealed over the last year. And right now, I am busy defending the PCA against the sharp and potentially effective crowd-whipping attacks from Wilson. Also, just recently I’ve been involved in defending Doug Phillips against serious libel on the internet, and to my own harm. In fact I sent Phillips a note asking if I could have any info before defending him since I knew I would be attacked for doing so and wanted all the defense I could muster; his assistant pointed me to the BCA’s statement, which only confirmed my respect for how they were dealing with the libel at that time. And I’ve been happy to facilitate Matthew Chancey’s website dedicated to help clearing libel against Phillips. I have also been on record even defending Doug Wilson and other Christ Church members when I thought public opposition went too far or was significantly inaccurate; and I have not permitted folks to post material here that I thought was potentially libelous about Doug Wilson. My continued concern about the wild actions on the part of Ligonier Ministry was grounded in primarily my aggressive defense of Frank Vance against the allegations against him given my prima facie evidence at that time. I have also defended others, such as Josh Gibbs, Kevin Johnson, Gier, J Ford, Joan, Campbell, etc.

So the truth of the matter is that Pooh’s Think is grounded in and continues to be motivated by the defense of others according to judicial methods that will only provide the foundation for future like defenses. Given the fact that this is one of the only accusations made about our site that has rhetorical bite, I wanted to repeat what continues to be our defense against this allegation, a defense that I think is air tight and irrefutable. So if you or someone you know has been or is busy slinging this accusation around, I admonish you to take the right actions and deal justly with the work myself and others have done here—and the forms of justice and mercy that have resulted from exposing Doug Wilson. The four places I have attempted to cut deeply into with the serrated edge Wilson devised for the powerless and innocent are kinism, imprecatory prayer, patriarchical abuse, and Doug Wilson’s abusive deceit. The Court of the Wood is primarily for the protection from harm. Those who identify with these four things should expect to find us continuing to supply the heat.

Thank You
Michael Metzler

December 19, 2006 - Posted by | Uncategorized


  1. quote: The Court of the Wood is primarily for the protection from harm.”

    Except for Jen Epstein

    quote: Pooh’s Think was grounded in defending particular people, such as McLaren, Morin (a local), and myself (very local!).”

    Please give us a break. I think the whole site is trying to prove to Doug Wilson how smart you are. I think you still crave his approval.

    Comment by Martin | December 19, 2006 | Reply

  2. Thanks Martin. Always good to see you here in the dark, back alleys just outside the Wood. I’m sorry I was unwilling to remain an “ally” of MW; it must really hurt your feelings. I’m not going to be argumentatively responding to these criticisms since they have been proven to be rhetorically dishonest. This is just punishment for criticizing MW’s story. But I’m surprised you can’t be more creative than claiming my site is all about proving to Wilson how smart I am. After all, you would think I could have done that rather through my one year private meetings with him, my work at Grayfriars, my debates on Covenant, my writing for Credenda, and my private email exchanges with him the years preceding Pooh’s Think. Hmmm. Something to think about anyway. Not sure why I would need a web site to prove how smart I am to Doug Wilson. But I’m glad you are making these sorts of bizarre accusations: they help establish that there is something very wrong going on over there at MW. The MW is supported by men just as manipulative and abusive as Wilson, if not more so; the fact that you would pick up the rhetoric from Wilson he used to publicly punish me (i.e. “crave his approval”), rhetoric that met public disgust and I confessed to be emotionally harmful, is not that surprising. And in case you haven’t noticed, Phillips wasn’t threatening Jen with anything outside of trying to protect himself from her public attacks.

    Comment by Michael Metzler | December 21, 2006 | Reply

  3. quote: “And in case you haven’t noticed, Phillips wasn’t threatening Jen with anything outside of trying to protect himself from her public attacks.”

    Help me out here, Michael. What sin did Jen commit at DP’s church to warrant excommunication?

    Why does she not have the right to tell her story but you do?

    And Michael, I will never be as creative as you are.

    Comment by martin | December 23, 2006 | Reply

  4. Martin,

    From everything I can see, I think a law suit would be justified at this point. You can’t say anything you want in order to harm another American citizen. We rightly have laws in place for this. I have the right to speak about Doug Wilson so long as I am not committing libel. This is a highly complex issue, although the most important element is obviously whether or not certain statments are true. However, I suspect that a court would not look favorably on the multiplying of gross allegations all of which could not be confirmed as true with any evidence (although I am not sure of this).

    But I am fairly certain that Jen’s strategic maneuvering, her likely relationship to Ministry Watchman’s deceit, the nature of her story and claims, the condition of her own family and personal brackground, her attitude and confirmed actions during the years the BCA was trying to keep her husband in Texas, the reasons for her excommunication, and her immediate response to discipline offered not only to her but her allegdly murderously abusive husband will all lead the average reader to suspect Jen guilty of serious libel. And it would seem to me that the actions of Ministry Watchman affiliates against myself might warrant review as well if such a law suit where to take place.

    Michael P Metzler

    Comment by Michael Metzler | December 26, 2006 | Reply

  5. Sure Micheal. I am sure a secular jury would take all that into serious account. We know how patriarchal our society has become. They are more likely to wonder how Jen could have taken these kool aid guru’s seriously in the first place.

    Michael writes: “And it would seem to me that the actions of Ministry Watchman affiliates against myself might warrant review as well if such a law suit where to take place.”

    You just gave us proof. Michael has delusions of grandeur. Perhaps Doug Wilson could be called to the stand in your defense?

    Comment by Stacy | December 26, 2006 | Reply

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